Q&A for Stereo Compressor Use

The Music Telegraph | Text 2023/01/03 [19:01]

Q&A for Stereo Compressor Use

The Music Telegraph| 입력 : 2023/01/03 [19:01]


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Q&A for Stereo Compressor Use


With stereo compressors you will be compressing a two channel (stereo) mix. This is a common application of compression used to increase the apparent loudness of a mix without increasing its maximum level. Basically the approach is to use the compressor to reduce the peaks of a mix and then raise the resulting overall level, thereby increasing average level. This results in an apparently louder mix without signal overload.



1. What differences did you hear between the low ratio (2:1) and the high ratio (20:1)?


In the low ratio - sounds more smooth and wider.

In the high ratio - sounds more aggressive and narrow (concentrated).


2. Did the compression improve the mix or not. Explain your answer.


Yes it did. The compression helps sounds be more concentrated and clear. It also contributes sounds to be more dynamical (musical).


3. Explain in your own words the differences or similarities between each ratio.


2:1 ratio - This setting keeps the original color of sound while pressing the threshold area of sound.

4:1 ratio - This setting applies to wider range of sound and is best for voal.

10:1 ratio - This setting highly concentrates sound and especially makes acoustic guitar sounds more concentrated.

∞:1 ratio - This setting gives high pressure on sound so produces unnatural sound.


4. In your opinion, which ratio worked best? Explain your answer.


2:1 ratio works best for classical music - the 2:1 ratio setting seems well match to smooth and long-tailed sound such as violin or strings.

4:1 ratio works best for vocal - the 4:1 ratio setting seems well match to full and wide sound such as vocal.


5. Did the stereo coupling improve the compression effect?


Yes it did. It helps sound be more dimensional and balanced.






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