Mastering The Controls (2)

The Music Telegraph | Text 2019/06/03 [11:42]

Mastering The Controls (2)

The Music Telegraph| 입력 : 2019/06/03 [11:42]

▲ Waves BSS DPR-402 Dynamic Processor

© Waves Audio, Inc


Mastering The Controls (2)


7. Release

A Release control lets you set how much time passes before the processing stops, once the signal crosses back under (or over, in the case of an expander or gate) the threshold. Quick releases are best for peak control, and moderate or longer releae times are better for "average"  natural-sounding processing.


8. Input and Output

An input gain control sets the processor's sensitivity. Changing the input level will have an effect on the device's threshold setting. 


9. Dynamic Processing

Whether it's compression or expansion, dynamic processing often causes a reduction in the device's overall output level. Output level controls "compensate" for lost gain. If your processor lacks an output control, you can increase the level of the compressed signal at your mixer.


10. Gain-Reduction Meter

This shows how much processing is taking place and usually is calibrated in dB. Once signals  cross the threshold, LED gain-reduction meters begin to light up. Some older processors have mechanical meters that start at "0 dB" and begin to drop to "-3 dB" and further as processing starts. Some boxes just have a single LED that illuminates when processing starts. 


11. Side-Chain In, or Key In

This switch engages the external side-chain return so that external signals control the VCA (see section called "Of VCAs and Side-Chains"). Not all processors with side-chains have these front panel switches, in which case anything plugged into a rear-panel side-chain input will control the VCA automatically.


12. Slave

Dual-channel, or stereo, processors usually sport a slave switch on the second (or right) channel. Push this in, and the slave channel will be controlled by the master channel (usually channel one, or the left channel). The slave channel's controls have no effect once the channel is slaved to the master. 






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