Single Channel Compression: One Instrument

The Music Telegraph | Text 2020/02/28 [11:01]

Single Channel Compression: One Instrument

The Music Telegraph| 입력 : 2020/02/28 [11:01]


© Black Ghost Audio

Single Channel Compression: One Instrument


You are about to reduce the dynamics of a signal by lowering the compressor's threshold so that it will attenuate the loudest parts of the signal. You will then raise the compressed signal to restore the peak loudness. As more and more of the signal is attenuated, its dynamic range will be lessened (less difference between the loudest and softest parts). In a mix, reducing the dynamics and raising the overall signal will help a vocal "sit" better in the mix. As you do this, listen carefully to the vocal sound quality. Properly done, the compression should have minimal impact on the vocal sound quality. Take your time to hear these results and understand them, as dynamics processing is a very essential skill for an engineer.


When you are compressing dynamic range, you are affecting the ADSR envelope of the sound.  There is a great deal of time related information involved in this envelope and you must take this into consideration when you compress a sound. You will have to adjust the attack and release times so that the compressor acts in a way that follows the shape of the sound's envelope. 



1) Write down the threshold, ratio, attack, release, and output gain settings you liked and describe as best as you can the effect of the compression on the voice, bass, and piano.


Solo voice

Threshold Level -10 dBu
Ratio 4:1
Attack Time Fast
Release Time Mid
Output Gain +8 dB


Describe the sound:

(example answer) Overall sounds become tight, and the gain make-up makes the sound get more power.




Threshold Level -20 dBu
Ratio 2:1
Attack Time Fast
Release Time Fast
Output Gain +10 dB


Describe the sound:

(example answer) When the compressor is triggered, bass sounds become more dense and powerful. Clarity of the sounds increases.



Solo Piano

Threshold Level -27 dBu
Ratio 2.5:1
Attack Time Fast
Release Time Fast
Output Gain +8 dB


Describe the sound:

(example answer) Bass part of the piano sounds become more compressed. Treble part of the piano sounds become more attack. Overall, the piano sounds become more aggreesive.



2) Based on what you have just listened to, answer the following questions.


a. Did you hear any tonality change when the compression was used? On what instruments?


b. In your opinion, did the compressor improve the dynamics of the audio signal?


c. What role does the Output Gain control serve in compressing a signal?

(example answer) It provides headroom. It makes sound more discrete and dense.






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