Fixing a Problem within a Mix using Compressor

The Music Telegraph | Text 2020/05/11 [12:21]

Fixing a Problem within a Mix using Compressor

The Music Telegraph| 입력 : 2020/05/11 [12:21]


© Pixabay

Fixing a Problem within a Mix using Compressor


Sometimes, an instrument will have notes that resonate louder than others. You can use a compressor to tame these louder notes so they don't "jump out" of the mix unpleasantly, while leaving the rest of the track unaffected. Assume that you have just such a problem with the bass on your song, so let's try and fix it.


1) Advance to the bridge section of the song.


2) Play the bridge section of the song and listen to the drum/bass/guitar mix.

(You should hear (or notice) that a few of the bass notes jump out in volume.)


3) Apply "corrective" compression to the Bass track.

(Insert a compressor on the bass track. Adjust the threshold so the compressor only kicks in on the loud notes, leaving the others unaffected. Compare the tone of the compressed and uncompressed notes and write down your impressions on your notebook.)


4) Apply more severe compression to the Bass.

(Play the song from the beginning of the bridge section and lower the threshold on the bass compressor so  that it applies gain reduction to all of the notes. Compare and contrast how this sounds different from the  milder "corrective" compression approach. Write down your impressions on your notebook.)


5) Choose whichever bass compression setting sounds best to you and write down its parameter settings (threshold, ratio, attack, release) below.


Threshold     _____ dB

Ratio     _____ : 1

Attack     _____ ms

Release     _____ ms

Gain Makeup     _____ dB       






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